Monday, December 7, 2015

Chapter 12: Communication Ethics Literacy and Difference

This chapter basically reiterates what has been talked about all semester long regarding communication ethics and the essence of learning from the Other. As defined in the textbook, communication ethics literacy "identifies the good in the interplay of self and Other and the particular historical movement, attending to what is protected and promoted" (210). It's easy to go into a conversation with an agenda that fits what you already believe in. This chapter and textbook as a whole has tried to shape the way we view conversing with another and finding out how we both can mutually benefit. We must take advantage of the Other and what they have to say because ultimately, it will lead to us having an open-mind, which will facilitate learning. That is the underlying goal, learning from the Other.

With people from different cultures and backgrounds, there's room for us to learn and that is why seeing other viewpoints is so imperative. It will help us grown individually and as a society. The book states, "we won't always agree with all ethical positions that we encounter nor should we" (209). I think this is where being open-minded has such a huge impact. It's our responsibility as a listener and a speaker to facilitate a meaningful conversation. Even if it's not on something we're passionate about or see eye-to-eye with someone, we still need to be respectful and find ways to learn from the Other. Communication ethics is prevalent everywhere. It goes unnoticed, but it has such a key impact on our society.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel,
    I like that you brought up the importance of being open-minded. It for sure is important in any aspect of communication ethics. Learning from the other is a great way to learn more about ourselves as well. This is something that not a lot of people are thinking of when encounter "difference", they are instead meeting it with fear a lot of times. If we all could meet each other with respect and understand that we all perceive the world in different ways, things would be so much easier. Like you said it sure has a key impact in our society.
