As we continue in the movie, it is apparent that the level of social hierarchy is the underlying factor in how a person is to be treated in this city. Examples of the film and how relative it is to communication ethics are also very much evident. One example would be in the beginning of the second portion of the film when Javert was seen having an altercation with Fantine regarding an act of prostitution and attack on a man. It was clear that Javert had no second thoughts of letting her suffer for her wrongdoings and therefore sentenced her to be punished accordingly; death. Jean is now in the scene, the mayor, insists that Fantine should be taken to a hospital instead regarding the severity of the mental state she is in. Javert agrees and Fantine is taken the the hospital.
Jean throughout the film shows acts of kindness, forgiveness, bravery, and truthfulness; even with his social status as the mayor of the city. Javert, on the other hand, is focused on the law and nothing but responsibility for your actions. This comes into play later in the film where Jean admits he is the prisoner 24601 and the judge tells him he isn't feeling well, this obviously isn't the case. Javert, however, remembers the unusual strength from the prisoner and now is on the hunt to find Jean. Jean runs away several times in the film to avoid getting caught, which shows a sign of role reversal. Jean had been the one giving Javert the orders, but now that Jean is seen as the prisoner, Javert has the power to find him and give the appropriate action.
While on the run, Jean sees a little girl filling up a water bucket. Being Fantine's daughter and Jean promising her to take care of her since Fantine is close to death, he shows compassion and gentleness towards her. Cossette is shy at first, but feels Jean's intentions are good. As Jean pays off the family who had been "taking care" of Cossette, he shows the kind-hearted person he is.
I find it interesting that the man was automatically right in the situation and Anne Hathaway is not even asked what had happened. I think the reason that this happens and I relate it to pornography. We create a social reality that prostitutes have a "low" social status. Society has made agreements on how they are perceived and how they interact with others. When comparing it to the porn industry, people do not have the same opinions about prostitutes and people in the porn industry. Hence one is illegal and the other is considered a business. They are basically the same thing, the money is still there, but there is a camera involved.