Thursday, October 1, 2015


Back to the content discussed in chapter two, we defined communication ethics in terms of the textbook. According to the text, narrative is a story agreed upon by a group of people. What I found interesting is narrative since it certainly affects our sense of good. As the author suggested, a story agreed upon by a group of people gives us an idea of what is good for humans to be and do. For example, fairytales I’ve read in my childhood have impacted my perspective. The Ugly Ducking, a famous fairy tale by Andersen, teaches us that we are not supposed to judge others by their outlooks and someone teased by many could become something beautiful.

Since narratives are agreed upon by a group of people, it creates diversity by leading or implying certain thoughts. That is what makes communication ethics more controversial. Christian parents would educate their children about Christianity, but they could have friends believing in other religion. Their view of meaning of human life might vary because of different religious traditions. Philosophy of communication is essential for these situations. Unless we have a “why,” our understandings of different would be limited and narrowed. Postmodern moment emphasizes the importance of communication ethics because we are living in a complex society with multiple goods. In my case, since I’m an international student, I feel my sense of good is slightly different from other domestic students and it was sometimes difficult to adjust the culture in the United States when I started living here. For example, we do not give a chip at restaurants in many Asian countries. It is required to be open-minded understand other sense of good.

1 comment:

  1. This is what makes the United States so interesting as a country. Its vast mixture of cultures, religions, and upbringings creates an incredible amount of grey area and uncertainty within the ethical arena. Narratives that apply to some groups of citizens may not be as easily accepted by others. In many situations this becomes the root of any conflict or controversy that can arise. Everyone having a different code of ethics can be problematic, but it can also bring about important discussion that establishes a better understanding among those of differing ideologies. Narratives play a key role in society when it comes to finding common ground within such a diverse population.
