Sunday, October 25, 2015

Interpersonal Communication

Approaching interpersonal communications is an aspect of which I understood as a positive aspect of communications.  Reading this chapter brought many different assumptions into the equation that I was not aware of.  An example the book uses is a good relationship does not guide an exchange.  Interpersonal communications focuses on the relationship to strengthen responsibility between two people who are participating.  Interpersonal communication should be relational nurture, with the assumption the relationships need to grow and change.  Negotiating a variety of complex dialectical tensions. (53) 
Distance needs to be in place so that one is able to see more clearly. (124)  More and more in society today we see couples doing less with each other.  Coming from an old fashioned family seeing my grandparents and my own parents doing everything together.  I see more twenty and thirty year old couples venture off independent of their spouse.  In situations that would leave a bitter taste in the others mouth.  One goes off every weekend with their friends and leaves the other to do as they wish is unsettling for some.  Enormous amounts of trust has to be communicated between the two people in the relationship.  If there is a line that needs to be upheld and what should happen if the line is crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting points you brought up regarding the comparison between your grandparents or parents generation and the one we are in now. I think as time has passed, relationships are also evolving and not necessarily in a bad way. I think novelty and autonomy is important to adapt a since of self-perception which in part is your responsibility to your partner. Arnett mentions distance is a valuable thing to provide an interpersonal relationship in order to establish a remembrance of the importance. In your grandparent’s age like you said, that would be frowned upon.

    He also stated in the chapter that “contribution” was important which I think everyone can agree with. If the dialogue were only one sided then it really wouldn’t be an affective interpersonal conversation. Distance allows growth as you said and pointing to your comment on trust. I believe distance is one major element in developing trust in the relationship or conversation. If you can trust the person, then distance can also test that. If not communication will need to be constructed on why and then develop open dialogue to resolve the issue.
