Monday, October 19, 2015

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 discuses the concept about Public Discourse which can be understood in communication ethics“…that diversity thrives upon differenation of public and private space” (105). which you can understand through three different praxis. Public discourseIt is the idea that we need to respect that there are different ideas in the public sphere as well as in private space and that we always need to pay attention how we express our own ideas in these different environments.“conversation about ideas in civic/community contexts marked by diversity of perspectives requiring thoughtful public engagement (101)

I think the book brings up a very example about internet where a lot of different ideas are being exposed, social media has become the biggest source for that. It involves engaging different ideas and where people have to think about how much they want to share about their opinions and about themselves, the book talks about this as the "differentiation of public and private space".
I believe that social media has almost became dangerous since people tend to use it to express their ideas and hate that they would never express in a face to face situation. Personally I try not to express myself tou much and if I do I try to keep it very civil.  "The public arena is not a place of ideology where there is one idea; it is a to oust place of multiple perspectives and ideas"(103). I often get very mad when browsing through either comments on twitter or on Facebook where people often express a lot of hate because others may not think the same as them, these ideas di simply “it works to protect and promote the public good”(101).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Emelie! Thank you for your posting. I totally agree with you that as technology/Internet develops, cyper space becomes a public place where anyone with internet access can share their ideas and thougths. As you mention, social media such as facebook and twitter is one of the most popular space where people are really into it and and posting or commenting freely without any restriction. However, I also have same opinion with you that people are sharing too much of their emotions extremly. For example, when a gossip article of famous actress comes out, people start commenting very extremly and bad under it, expressing their hatred. They end up with naming her as bitch or something bad under the excuse of freedom of speech.

  3. I think it's interesting that you bring up the differentiation of public and private on Facebook. I remember people posting very personal matters on Facebook, then get super offended when someone else would comment on it. I think people don't understand how public their accounts can be if they accept friend requests from everyone. It brings into question what the ethics on communication engagement is in the public forum.

  4. I agree with you - the internet has become a dangerous place; once you post, it's out there forever. How do you think the public arena can be embedded into people's minds when they post? How do they figure what's best for every individual?
