Monday, October 19, 2015

public disclosure

Ohh boy.  This topic is one of my favorites - public and private space.  Public discourse is great in the way that ideas are shared, opinions are re/shaped, and engages individuals with one another (as described on pages 101-102).  We would not be who we are today without the influence of public disclosure, since other people help us determine what path we should go in life.  This is not only in a physical-type situation, it can also be found online through the infamous social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.

So, who/what exactly determines what is public and private?  Analyzing this, I can see that technology has hugely influenced public disclosure.  When I was avid on social media I found countless social media accounts posting things I would consider "private".  For example, I did not find the need to post feelings about a current relationship debacle in hopes of gaining attention or getting feedback on what to do.  About a year ago I was sick of not feeling any privacy anymore, knowing thousands of my "friends" on Facebook were clicking through my profile learning about this image I portrayed online.  I deleted pretty much all of my social media accounts, and let me say - Best. Thing. Ever.


  1. I agree that too many people disclose too much private matters in this public space. I am on social media but I never post much, especially not anything that should be private. I agree that people see a certain side of you that might not be all the way true on social media and start thinking that that's you all the time. My question is did you not like image you portrayed online, when you the one in control of your own postings? Or did you think some people would misread/misunderstand what's coming out? I suppose anything can really get twisted. For example people can look at my Facebook account and since they never see any updates, they may think I'm a loser that never does anything with herself.

  2. Alison,
    I think it interesting that you said "since other people help us determine what path you should go in life". I have not thought about the idea in that way, but I understand what you mean which we probably are so addicted and influenced by todays social media. I feel with you regarding postings in social media, and I cannot believe in how I use to post in social media myself and now instead overthink all my postings which is not a good thing either... It becomes addicting. I am not sure if I could go as far as you though and delete all my accounts since I communicate with my friends and family mostly through Facebook.
