Chapter 7 of the book does a good job at explaining interpersonal communication. On page 121, interpersonal communication is defined as communication that works with the good of the relationship between and among a small number of people. Healthy interpersonal communication can only be obtained when each communicator has accepted their own interpersonal responsibility in order to reach the good of the relationship.
An example of interpersonal communication can be seen in intimate relationships. Both communicators need to work together to figure out the overall good they are trying to achieve in the relationship and agree upon it, which creates interpersonal responsibility. Relationships are strengthened by each member contributing to communication. The concept of distance allows each member of the relationship to have interpersonal space and create that ethical responsibility amongst one another (pg. 125). The amount of distance varies between relationships depending on what exactly the good is within that intimate relationship.
I like your example on intimate relationships - I agree with the fact distance creates an ethical responsibility. I think sometimes that responsibility isn't always acknowledged. My only question is what do you mean depending on the good within the relationship?