chapter discusses Interpersonal Communication ethics and it works when a small
number of people are communicating with each other (two to four). But
the book is using the metaphors, Interpersonal Communication, Distance and
Interpersonal responsibility to learn how interpersonal communication works.“Interpersonal
communication finds its identity in the ethical mandate to protect and promote
the good of the relationship”(119). What this chapter basically says is that we choose to care for relationships in different ways but that we should always do it with respect to the other in order to protect the good. “... interpersonal communication nourishes the
relationship in order to bond responsibility between persons, not to further
careers or advance political agendas(122). There is no individual goal with interpersonal communication, it's not about "me" or the "other", it's a common goal, in other words, the relationship. The chapter is also using the term "distance" and uses it to explain that distance help forming relationships, “distance
permits us to see the details more clearly” (124). We sometimes need to distance ourself from a situation or person to understand it more clearly.
Me and my roommate and I have built a great
relationship and we get a long very well. This is because we are both so open
minded and are not afraid to speak up, I know that I may not always bthe most
organized person but have told her that she needs to tell me anytime If I do or
do not do something that would bother her. We can always communicate in a
respectful manner and we never get as far as getting mad at each other or even
having argument. We are respecting the good of the relationship by caring about
our relationship as both roommate and friends because we both know we would not
benefit from it any other way.
I enjoyed, your example of living with roommates, as its connection to interpersonal communication ethics is very relevant to many college students. For the relationship with your roommate/s to prosper, there must be a commitment from each person in the living space. Communication needs to be clear and open between roommates. The good of the living space whether it be a dorm, apartment, or house, must be protected, and the roommates are responsible. Fluctuations in distance and interpersonal responsibility can occur, creating conflict and making communication more difficult. This brings up the question of how we navigate through the changes among roommates, allowing the living situation to remain stable.