Saturday, November 21, 2015

Business and Professional Communication Ethics- Ch. 10

                There are three key aspects of business and professional communication ethics. One of the big ones that stands out to me is the dialectic of direction and change. The book defines this as “…willingness to follow a particular path with the courage to move in a different direction when necessary (174).” Key elements of this involve being able to change the method of communication on a whim. Within a business, plans are rarely executed how they imagine. This is why public relations exists. There needs to be a solid team that can constantly evolve within the company to handle anything that can be thrown at them. A business must stay within its intended “good,” but this does not mean that adversity will not come. Anything can happen, and businesses, and the people within in them, need to be able to adjust accordingly.

                I have been working within a non-profit for a little while now. I have noticed the need to adjust in every element. Since it is a non-profit, there is a strong need for donations. Most companies make money, but a non-profit needs to ask for money. This is something that needs to be handled delicately. The organization needs to plan accordingly so that the communicative language they use does not cross boundaries. Begging for money over social media, or at events does no good, so there needs to be a team that can handle the constant need to adjust the way it handles ethical donations. The textbook touches on this nicely when it says, “The notion of change tempers the assumption that any direction can remain unexamined and unchanged forever (179).” This fits perfectly within the organization I work in. Everyone in the communications department realizes that they have to be in a constant evolution with how they use communication for the non-profit. Nothing will ever remain how they want it exactly because problems, methods, and types of communication are always changing.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading about the key aspects you chose to discuss from Ch. 10. The willingness to follow a mission but yet adaptable to various directions over time is very important in a business setting. One thing that is common in most businesses is change will take place and your reference to “communication on a whim” is something we can learn by creating open-communication through various and diverse conversation in a business settings. Solidities within the business and professional atmosphere is an important component to make the company run smooth and for a generalized purpose to be the priority.

    One aspect that I thought was interesting from this chapter was Beyond Manners. This I think goes well with your aspect of adaptable change within communication patterns because it interludes the idea of changing direction as you mentioned to producing company manners at the same time. It’s focused on “public accountability instead of the companies’ individual employee practices alone” (Arnett, pg. 178). Therefore, the correlation between your component and this is the overall direction change of the organization/business and making sure the manner is appropriate for the mission to be the guide of success.
