Monday, November 23, 2015

Chapter 10

Talking about business and professional communication, it firstly a little difficult for me to connect the new concept to any actual issues around me.  After referring the definition and analysis about business and professional communication ethics, it becomes clear.  In the weekly reading, the most fundamental description about business and professional communication ethics is "the study of
communication within particular business and professional settings, defined by participation in the public square of competitive economic exchange. Nonprofits must take the market and its demands seriously, just as a competitive business does; both types of business and professional settings are needed in today’s marketplace(P 174).  Additionally, the most interesting parts about business and professional communication ethics for me are "Our approach acknowledges these perspectives and employs a communication ethics standpoint to highlight protection and promotion of a particular good that underlies the practice of business and professional communication as a public communicative act"(P 176) and "The direction is the key to holding a given organization accountable"(P 179).
From my working experience as volunteer with MinnPost, an organization concerns about the objectivity of journalistic reports, revolutions in journalism in Minnesota and exploring changes and solutions to current journalistic situation.  The most frequent approach of communicating among this organization is conducting events like guest lectures, watching dramas, and simply getting together with members and talking about recent news.  Connecting to reading material, it is obvious that MinnPost has clear organizational purpose to protect and promote the development of journalism, has its regulations to select members, and conducts activities based on recent events.  Talking about how to develop the quality of its activities, it has a survey system aims to listening to participants, staffs and volunteers about every activity they held.  As this organizations takes the responsibility to promote the development of journalism, sometimes it needs supports from the government and comments on recent political events.  Personally, cooperating with the government can be regarded as an effective way to earn benefits for the public as not every people can totally understand the meaning of some important polities; meanwhile, this cooperation makes this organization more accountable in news reporting, especially in political sections.

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