Monday, November 23, 2015

Business Ethics

Business and professional communication ethics is the study of communication within particular business and professional settings, defined by the participation in the public square of competitive economic exchange (174). Within the business word there are a lot of elements too consider when trying to maintain a healthy environment. Business have to or should consider employees, employees have to consider their bosses, and everyone within the company has to consider the consumer or client. How does everyone stay happy? A lot of times business focus on one thing, Profit. Thus, the business industry is difficult and has a lot of flaws in the Communication ethics world. When the central purpose is money, a lot of times ethics are left behind in order to remain a top competitor. However, in order to make money companies have to keep their consumers interested and happy.

In addition, temporal testing or the unity of direction that a company is going in. If a company doesn't know what they want, how will customers know what they want? For example, McDonalds has established a steady foundation for themselves with customers. People go to McDonalds to get cheap food that can be ready in seconds. Thus, there is a reputation that MacDonald's must uphold and they must continue to have the purpose of "fast food". Otherwise, people could turn to another business if McDonald's isn't maintaining the actions of fast food. In addition, in order to become something great in the fast food world, McDonalds has to do something that makes them stand out. Moreover, when McDonalds started serving Coffee's such as mocha's a latte's they were appealing to more people because then people on their way to world could stop and get coffee and breakfast at McDonald's versus at a Starbucks/Caribou etc.. Hence, at least for the moment there was an increase in the popularity of McDonald's. Clearly, it is difficult for companies to maintain this status, but more often than not this status will come and go. Finally, the main point is that business have to maintain and still present new creative ideas that will ultimately build their status in the competitive business environment.      

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of coffee being a large factor in McDonald's. It follows suit that McDonald's is starting to serve breakfast all day now compared to having a time limit. The book says that businesses need to have courage to pivot and change direction if and when necessary. Also that commitment to direction and change assumes that presumptuous belief that a given place will exist for all time is dangerous. What will be the next big step for McDonald's or any other big company like Starbucks or Target?
