In this chapter, two of the four praxis of health care communication stood out to me. It was apparent that the topics of responsiveness and care were very important in addition to the more self-explanatory definitions of health care communication and health. Responsiveness is described as "health care communication ethics understands health not in what happens to us, but in our response to that which meets us" (p.195). Our immediate health often times rests in our hands and we are able to preserve it and possibly bring it back to normality. Although there are going to be times where our own health is not in our control, and we must turn to health care professionals to nurse us back to full health. Responses such as these are crucial and our own health is something that must be taken seriously. The concept of care is defined as "the communicative action or practice that links to the good of responsiveness to the Other" (p.199). Although care may seem like a simply defined word, it is the main driving force of health care communication and the assistance of those who need it. It is caring for one another within a professional context and rests on the question "how do we provide communication that cares for another?" (p.199).
Throughout my life I have been receiving care for illnesses which my parents or myself could diagnose/cure. I have had a few minor surgeries, but I have never really been treated for anything more severe than strep throat. Whenever my immediate health seemed to be in question, I have always tried to respond quickly and effectively. Response to health issues is crucial to the process of being nursed back to full strength, It is up to us to be the first responder to any health abnormalities and we must place our trust in the health care professionals. It is the job of health care professionals to provide us with care that will assist us in the best way possible. This can be difficult for some people who may feel that they are not receiving the correct treatment, or treatment that may be detrimental to their life in general. Fortunately, I have never felt that the health care systems I have used have ever been working against me, and they have always had the best interests of my family and myself in mind. There may be times where major health decisions may be in your hands, and the person receiving care may not be able to make them. This brings up the questions of "how do we make these decisions?" and "where should we seek advice?" to ensure that the proper health care decision is made.
I agree with the fact that major health decisions lie in our hands at times, and other people have to make that decision for them. It is very interesting to think about the fact that we hold health care professionals to this high standard, but it is almost scary to think that there are some out there that are not looking to promote that good. I think that people are so trusting of health care professionals, their words are almost taken as gold, and they need to make sure that they are living up to the standards described in the book.