Sunday, November 29, 2015

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 discusses the topic of health care communication ethics. Health care communication includes patient to professional interactions or institutional concerns. The underlying Good that is being promoted is overall public health(193). The promotion of health can be a difficult task, but it is important to maintain the public or patient's view on the institution. Doctors are influencing physical health, but also influence mental health. The public/patient can be negatively affected by negative news or wording when dealing with health issues. It is important for doctors to keep the patients or public positive so their mental health isn't negatively affected. Trust is also a communication ethic that is important in health care. There is a much better relationship between doctor and patient/public when each can be trusted.
Health care communication ethics illustrates why a family doctor is beneficial. I had a family doctor growing up through high school. The doctor was the same as my parents and they had me see the same one. My parents never had an issue and trusted this doctor. Living in a small town, we were able to communicate with our doctor in public as well. This helped build trust and a friendly relationship. In turn, it was easy to tell that this doctor was looking out for our best of health, just as a friend would. We trust our doctor, and in return, generally trust the health care institution.


  1. I really like how you included that you and your doctor were able to build a relationship and how that helped with the communication between you guys. I had a similar situation growing up, I too had a family doctor who was also the father to one of my friends on our soccer team. The book states that "Health care communication ethics seeks to protect and promote care..." (Arnett, 199). Because we had this relationship through outside activities we were able to communication more effectively and I knew that his primary good was to care for me and my family members.

  2. I think you bring up a really good point that not only is it important for the doctors to supply great health, but also having that trust between the doctor and their patient. I think a lot of times it goes unnoticed how critical a relationship that builds helps the patient. They feel more comfortable and relaxed in an environment that can be overwhelming. You touch up upon how that can have a positive impact on mental and physical health, which I believe is also beneficial.

    This is where interpersonal communication is such a huge factor when being a doctor. It's absolutely essential to maintain a great relationship, but also be supportive and trusting with the patient. A lack of ethics or respect from the doctor could have detrimental effects on the patient's mental and physical health because they might feel lonely or unwanted.
